
距离奥克兰市两个小时的车程,令人惊叹 Coromandel Peninsula 是当地人最喜欢的度假胜地吗.  这里有400多公里风景如画的海岸线, beaches 还有海湾,以及数不清的灌木覆盖的走道.  Further inland, you'll find rugged, volcanic hills, cloaked in rainforest, 这里有世界上最高的蕨类树,非常适合徒步旅行.

Because of the region's rustic, unspoilt nature, the area is a magnet for creative types, 来这里寻找灵感却永不离开的人.  History lovers, too, 被科罗曼德尔丰富的历史感所吸引, 这一点在该地区许多殖民时期建筑的建筑中尤为明显.  

Historic Towns

The largest of the Peninsula's towns, is Thames建于19世纪50年代初新西兰第一次淘金热的地方.  街道两旁的许多建筑仍然是该镇采矿遗产和真正的“黄金”时代的见证.  Out of town, 在“洛奇金矿之路”上走三个小时, 能赏你泰晤士河湾的美景吗, 原始森林和众多的游泳池.

Another historic town of note, is Coromandel 它本身也在淘金热时期繁荣起来.  这里有一些很好的露营和野餐区,也有艺术场所 & crafts shops, and the town is home to Driving Creek Railway; New Zealand's only narrow-gauge mountain track.  对于步行者和山地自行车爱好者来说,令人眼花缭乱的科罗曼德尔海岸步道是不容错过的.
Hot Water Beach & Cathedral Cove

The town of Whitianga is a good base from which to explore Mercury Bay; a hotspot (quite literally!) known for its nearby attractions - Cathedral Cove and Hot Water Beach.  大教堂湾是划皮艇、游泳、浮潜和潜水的理想场所.  The pohutukawa trees provide welcome shade, 从那里你可以欣赏到海湾的闪闪发光, white sands and impressive, rocky arches.  哈黑海岸步道从哈黑海滩北端开始,步行45分钟即可到达, 在到达大教堂湾美丽的沙滩之前,您可以进入黄貂鱼湾和宝石湾.

热水海滩绝对是名副其实的.  For two hours either side of low tide, visitors can create their own hot pools by digging into the sands; the springs bubbling up underneath are a 'moving' reminder of the beach's fascinating, volcanic past.
Golden Beaches  & Harbours

At Waihi Beach, 你会发现9公里长的安全冲浪海滩,迷人的海岸小径将邀请你进一步探索.  A short drive away, Waihi town itself is home to the Martha Mine; a working gold and silver mine.  再往北一点,还有一对孪生城镇 Tairua and Pauanui 为每个人提供一些东西-沿着海岸的壮丽的冲浪海滩, and a relaxing, quiet harbour tucked in behind.
Karangahake Gorge

Situated along State Highway 2, the shimmering Ohinemuri River winds through Karangahake Gorge; the site of the Waihi gold rush of 1875.  游客们可以跳上金田铁路上的复古火车,回到过去, which runs between Waikino and Waihi.

Coromandel Peninsula Towns


Getting There

酒店距离科罗曼德尔半岛(Coromandel Peninsula)仅有90分钟路程 Auckland International Airport 从北京的城市也很容易到达 Rotorua, Hamilton and Tauranga.  Despite the absence of a commercial airport, 独立旅行者到达该地区没有问题, thanks to the Pacific Coast Highway, which also links the Coromandel with other, 同样受欢迎的目的地,比如奥克兰, Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty.  或者,你可以从码头街的奥克兰渡轮码头乘坐两小时的渡轮.