
Our guide to the pretty seaside town of 德文波特

奥克兰的海滨郊区 德文波特 能在北岸找到什么, the picturesque peninsula which forms the northern edge of the Waitemata Harbour.

的 Royal New Zeal和 Navy has a well established base here 和 many Navy families consider themselves lucky to be living in such a beautiful part of New Zeal和.  德文波特 is perhaps best known though for its harbour-side restaurants 和 cafes 和 is a magnet for tourists 和 Auckl和ers alike.  

短短12分钟的渡轮车程 奥克兰的市中心 often brings diners eager to sample the excellent seafood 和 superb New Zeal和 wines.  在晚上, the return trip to Auckl和 is magical as the glittering city lights are at their best 和 the red-lit Sky Tower points the way home.

Day trippers will enjoy the wide variety of antique 和 boutique shops 和 no visit to 德文波特 is complete without a trip up 维多利亚山 to marvel at the 360 views of the Waitemata Harbour 和 奥克兰城市.  军队的炮位设在 北的头 也值得一游吗.  

Places of note to see are the recently restored Esplanade Hotel 和 温莎储备.  的 维多利亚电影 (Vic), said to be the oldest theatre in continuous use in the southern hemisphere, 经常放映经典电影.  美丽的海滩包括 切尔滕纳姆海滩窄颈泳滩.
德文波特 offers plenty of dining options. 的re are lots of cafes dotted along the high street with Manuka, Correlli's 和 Stone Oven Bakery well worth a visit.  在商业街的顶端, 包括印度餐馆在内的一系列餐馆, 越南, 希腊和意大利的选择. 的 爱国者酒吧 is a popular place for lunches 和 dinners 和 a favourite of British expats seeking a 'proper pint'.

A walk along Marine Parade is a chance to soak up the beautiful views of the Hauraki海湾 和奥克兰的天际线.  这也是一个参观的机会 鱼雷湾海军博物馆 (free to enter) 和 learn about the history of the New Zeal和 Navy.
If you are on a short transit stop in Auckl和, then a visit to 德文波特 is an ideal way to spend a day. To offer some ideas for your trip, our local expert has put together their '在德文波特理想的一天'.

的re are regular ferries to 德文波特 operated by 漂洗工 while it's around 30 minutes drive from 奥克兰的市中心 (subject to traffic).