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If youʻre booking your trip to Auckland 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!
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Auckland, 新西兰最大的城市, is not only a vibrant urban hub but also a gateway to breathtaking natural wonders.  如果你来奥克兰旅游并且有空闲时间, 考虑花一天的时间去周边地区探险. 

从令人惊叹的岛屿到地热奇观, 这里有一些从奥克兰出发的最佳一日游,会让你惊叹不已.


从奥克兰市中心乘船只需很短的路程, Waiheke Island 是否有天堂等待着你去发现.  以风景如画的葡萄园而闻名, pristine beaches, and charming villages, 这个岛是放松和冒险的完美结合.

Getting to Waiheke Island
要到达怀赫克岛,跳上一辆 ferry 来自奥克兰的海滨.  The journey itself is a delightful experience as you sail across the sparkling waters of the Hauraki Gulf.  Once you arrive, you can easily explore the island on foot, by bike, or by renting a car.

怀赫克岛拥有众多自然爱好者的景点, wine enthusiasts, and art aficionados alike.  从众多景点中的一个开始你的一日游 vineyards, where you can indulge in wine tastings and enjoy stunning views of the vine-covered hills.  Afterward, 前往岛上一个美丽的海滩, 比如Oneroa或Onetangi, 来一次清爽的游泳或沿着海岸悠闲地散步.  如果你想冒险, 你也可以尝试在清澈的海水中划桨或皮划艇.

Don't miss the opportunity to explore the quaint villages dotted around the island.  Oneroa, 有迷人的商店和餐馆, 是一个吃点东西和浏览独特的当地工艺品的好地方吗.  如果你对艺术感兴趣, 怀赫克社区艺术画廊展示了当地有才华的艺术家的作品.


这里距离奥克兰约三小时车程, Rotorua 以地热活动和丰富的毛利文化而闻名.  This vibrant city offers a unique blend of natural wonders and cultural experiences that will captivate your senses.

到罗托鲁瓦大约需要3个小时的车程. 如果你不想开车,有几家旅游公司可以提供 day trips to Rotorua from Auckland.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic journey as you travel through rolling farmlands and countryside.

Upon arrival in Rotorua, 你会闻到独特的硫磺味, 这是这座城市地热活动的证明.  A visit to one of the geothermal parks,如Wai-O-Tapu或the Puia,是必去之地.  看看沸腾的泥浆池, erupting geysers, 以及充满活力的热水池,展示了地球的原始力量.

Immerse yourself in Maori culture 参观一个传统的毛利人村庄.  体验迷人的文化表演, 尽情享受地热蒸汽烹制的汉吉盛宴, 了解毛利人丰富的历史和传统.  红杉林是城郊另一个引人注目的景点 Treewalk 穿过高耸的红杉树. 想做一个放松的水疗,去 Polynesian Spa overlooking Lake Rotorua.

如果你想刺激肾上腺素,罗托鲁瓦有很多 adventure activities.  Test your courage with a thrilling zipline tour through the native forests or try your hand at rafting down the exhilarating rapids of the Kaituna River.


离奥克兰两个多小时的车程就有迷人的 Waitomo Glowworm Caves.  This underground wonderland is home to thousands of mesmerizing glowworms that light up the darkness like a starry sky.  First discovered in 1187, the caves were formed from limestone more than 30 million years ago.  

Journey to Waitomo
Embark on a scenic drive south from Auckland, enjoying the rural landscapes along the way.  As you arrive at Waitomo, you'll soon realize that this hidden gem is worth the journey. 

Explore the underground marvels of the Waitomo Glowworm Caves on a guided tour.  Wander through labyrinthine limestone formations and marvel at the subterranean beauty illuminated by the glowworms above. 这些微小的生物像星星一样闪烁的景象真的很神奇.  If you're seeking a more adventurous experience, opt for a thrilling black water rafting tour.  Float through the cave network on an inner tube, guided only by the glowworms' ethereal light.


If you're a fan of "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" movies, a visit to the Hobbiton Movie Set is a dream come true.  位于奥克兰以南约两小时车程处, this meticulously crafted replica of the Shire will transport you to the magical world of Middle-earth.

How to Reach Hobbiton
The actual movie set is located about 5 minutes drive outside the town of Matamata.  If you're driving from Auckland you will pass through the town so it's a good place to stop for a bite to eat.  It's a 72km drive from Rotorua and is fairly direct along State Highway 5 heading towards Tirau.  然后上27号和29号国道.  The easiest way to reach the Hobbiton Movie Set is by joining a guided tour from Auckland.  坐下来,放松一下,让旅行团负责交通和物流. 

当你来到霍比屯电影片场, a knowledgeable guide will lead you through the lush green pastures and hobbit holes.  探索古雅的村庄, 参观标志性景点,如比尔博的房子和绿龙旅馆, 并了解电影制作的迷人幕后故事.  Indulge in a refreshing Hobbiton-themed drink at the Green Dragon Inn and soak in the tranquil ambiance of this magical place before returning to Auckland.


If you crave pristine beaches, lush forests, and stunning coastal scenery, a day trip to the Coromandel Peninsula is a must.  This picturesque region is located about two and a half hours' drive southeast of Auckland.

Embark on a scenic road trip as you make your way to the Coromandel Peninsula. 旅行本身就是一场视觉盛宴, with majestic mountains, rolling farmlands, 还有闪闪发光的海岸景色.

科罗曼德尔半岛提供了丰富的自然奇观探索.  首先参观教堂湾, 高耸的悬崖和天然岩层构成了令人叹为观止的海滩.  徒步穿过原始丛林,到达这个田园诗般的地方.  科罗曼德尔的必游景点是著名的热水海滩.  Dig your own natural hot pool in the sand and enjoy a relaxing soak amidst the ocean waves.

为了一次独特的野生动物邂逅, head to the nearby town of Whitianga and embark on a sea kayaking tour to see the mesmerizing glowworms in the Te Whanganui-A-Hei Marine Reserve caves.

Goat Island

山羊岛海岸保护区 利湾附近有一个占地518公顷的海洋保护区吗, 位于奥克兰市中心以北约80公里处. Formed in 1975, it's New Zealand's first marine reserve that covers the area between Cape Rodney and Okakari Point.

山羊岛海岸保护区 and its clear waters offer the perfect environment to snorkeling and diving enthusiasts.  在一个安静而隐蔽的地方, it's an opportunity to observe the rich marine life in numbers rarely seen anywhere else on the coast.  The reserve is renowned as one of the best locations for snorkeling and diving in New Zealand, 吸引各种经验水平的潜水员. 山羊岛海洋保护区的受保护水域是大鲷鱼的家园, blue cod, crayfish, eagle rays, goatfish, piper, red moki, 还有更多种类的鱼.


有这么多不可思议的一日游可供选择, 奥克兰确实是通往难忘冒险的门户. 你是否喜欢探索原始岛屿, 挖掘地热奇观, 让自己沉浸在幻想世界中, 或者沉浸在美丽的海岸景观中, these day trips will undoubtedly leave you with cherished memories of your time in New Zealand.

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